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How to Make Pour-Over Coffee Without a Scale

Brewing great coffee is difficult, and being able to do it every day is almost impossible – or so you think! Being a coffee enthusiast means you’ll be well-versed with all of the different methods of coffee making. One of these is the pour-over coffee method.

A kitchen scale is the easiest and fastest way to measure coffee. But what if you don’t have one or you just don’t like the look of it? Luckily, you don’t need a fancy scale to brew the perfect cup of pour-over coffee if you’ve mastered our pour-over brew methods.

Read along to know how to make pour-over coffee without a scale.

Equipment for Brewing Pour Over Coffee

The equipment is an essential component of the pour-over coffee recipe – this brewing method is unlike any other. Here are some essentials you’ll have to gather to brew the perfect pour-over coffee:

Coffee Grinder

The finest pour-over coffee requires freshly ground beans, not pre-ground coffee. Invest in a simple but better coffee bean grinder, preferably a burr grinder, and buy whole bean coffee.

It’ll grind your coffee beans evenly. That said, even a conical coffee grinder will do the job.

Coffee Beans

While grocery store coffee will make a nice cup of pour-over, good quality, freshly roasted coffee will make a tremendous difference. So go for whole ground coffee beans rather than pre-ground.

Coffee Dripper and Filter

Pour-over coffee drippers come in various styles, but we’ll stick to the basics here. A basic pour-over dripper made of stainless steel, ceramic, porcelain, or acrylic will work.

You may also buy a reusable coffee filter with the coffee dipper. It’s a cone-shaped paper filter that rests on top of your mug and filters out any unwanted particles such as leaves or grinds. It’s not a significant investment, but absolutely essential to make pour-over coffee without using a scale.

Electric Kettle

An electric kettle allows you to adjust the water temperature to get the perfect boiled water for your coffee, so go ahead and get one!

How to Make Pour-Over Coffee Without a Scale

Let’s break down the pour-over method and show how easy it is to brew a delicious cup of pour-over at home even without a coffee scale.

How to Make Pour Over Coffee Without a Scale with the easy instructions

Grind Right

Grinding the coffee beans is the first piece of the puzzle. Pick up five scoops of coffee beans if you’re going for a medium roast. Now it’s time to begin the grinding process. Adjust the grinder setting to medium to avoid over-grinding the beans.

If your grinder has a timer instead of an auto-setup, you’re in luck. Set the timer for 12 seconds, which is the best grind for a cup of coffee.

Get the Water Ready

Using filtered water is ideal since you’ll get the purest, most authentic coffee flavor. Experiment again to find which sort of water produces the best results. Pour 10 ounces of water into a measuring cup if you want to be sure you’re using the correct amount. Make sure the boiled water doesn’t get too hot. Set your electric kettle to around 195-200 degrees Fahrenheit.

Set the Dripper

Now that you’ve got everything in order, it’s time to brew the coffee. First, insert a cone-shaped paper filter into the dripper and lay it on top of your coffee mug.

Next, fill the dripper with coarse ground bean powder. Some people claim that wetting the filter before adding the coffee keeps it in place, so you can give it a shot.

Perfect Your Pour

We’ll now wait for the coffee to “bloom.” The first pour is referred to as the bloom pour. The bloom pour saturates the coffee grounds, assisting with an even extraction later. Pour enough water to cover the grinds, then let the coffee drip through. This should take roughly 30 seconds.

The coffee’s aroma is a result of the released carbon dioxide, which is a lovely benefit of the blooming process. To keep things even, pour in spirals slowly and steadily. A gooseneck kettle aids in precision because it has a small spout that lets you expertly aim the hot water.

Keep Pouring

Fill the dripper with more hot water, starting at the outside edge and in a circular motion working your way toward the center. Make sure you’re not forcing the grinds out of the container while filling.

Stop when the dripper is full and wait for the coffee to drip into the cup. It’ll take roughly 3-4 minutes to complete the pour-over process. Once the water is done dripping, your coffee is ready. Enjoy!

Tips for Brewing the Perfect Pour-Over Coffee

Better Flavor Comes From Higher-Quality Ingredients

Quality ingredients, such as boiling filtered water and fresh whole ground coffee beans, will provide richness and an exotic scent to your coffee. So stay away from pre-ground beans and unpurified water if you want your pour-over coffee to be lip-smacking good.

Get the Ideal Grind

For the most delicate flavor, your beans must be evenly ground. Generally, the finer the grind, the less brew time is required. If you find your coffee overly sour or weak, consider grinding the beans finer. Reduce the fineness of the grind if your coffee tastes bitter or harsh.

Keep Coffee Equipment Clean

Clean coffee equipment is always preferable – that includes your grinder, kettle, coffee roaster, and coffee scoops. It’ll keep any unwanted flavors or harmful bacteria from compromising the drink. It’s always a good idea to clean your gear before and after each use.

Play Around with the Coffee to Water Ratio

Try a little less, a little more, or a different kind of coffee altogether – there’s no “standard” for art! You can alter the brew ratio from 1:15 to 1:17. Keep experimenting until you find the ideal blend.

Final Thoughts

It was fun to learn how to make pour-over coffee without using a scale, wasn’t it? By now, you should be familiar with all the standards, techniques and tactics for producing good coffee.

If you appreciate a little experimenting and unconventional methods, it might just work for you. So head straight to your kitchen and try out your pour-over coffee-making skills now!

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The post How to Make Pour-Over Coffee Without a Scale appeared first on Great Coffee Brewers.

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