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Rocky Talkie

Durable radio

Communication is key in the backcountry, and the ability to talk to your partners, coordinate rescues, and avoid getting lost is essential to safety. But most consumer radios lack durability, and outdoor-specific models can get pricey. That’s why we like the Rocky Talkie, a simple-to-operate, bombproof, and affordable alternative. It’s the size of a bar of soap, and the glove-friendly talk button makes it easy to know when you’re transmitting. A shatterproof screen can take a beating, and the standby mode helps boost the battery life past 72 hours of use on a single charge. An upgraded design on this version sheds snow and keeps it from blocking the microphone. The Rocky Talkie also comes with a carabiner to keep it close, while a coiled leash prevents you from dropping it off a cliff. $90; 8 oz. (with carabiner and leash) Backpacker

via Charlie On The Move Travel Diary alimathirtybeforethirty.wor...
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