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A New Chapter (Oh god)

A New Chapter (Oh god…) was originally published to: Cason Bo Website

Oh god.

Branding myself, putting myself out there, and becoming a so-called "guru" was never something I intended to do.

As a natural introvert, I've never imagined myself doing any of this.

I do pretty okay being under the radar.

I'm the kind who usually avoids the spotlight.

I much rather be the guy doing the behind-the-scenes. (It's much cooler to me anyway)

I'm also the guy who says: "You either look good or you get results." (implying you can't do both)

I won't lie, it's pretty nice getting recognized and bumping into people who knows me, pretty much every single day.

However it gets tiring.

Sometimes I just want to hide from the world, and work on my own stuff.

Being in the spotlight is FAR from a selfish privilege.

It's a responsibility.

It's a privilege to be able to serve others at a massive scale, at a high level.

My tribe expects me to deliver every single day - it doesn't matter rain or shine, it doesn't matter what life throws at me, it doesn't matter how stressed out or overloaded I am...

It's my responsibility to give the utmost value I can to my following.

... and I'm ready to undertake that responsibility.


"So what on earth happened, Cason?"

The fact is I LOVE building my own businesses and staying under the radar.

However, there's only so much I can do within my own ventures.

I can create cool sh*t.

I can build businesses that people love.

I can build amazing companies that I'd wish someone else built.

However, over the years, the coaching bug came back and bit me.

A few of my mentees were pestering me to come back into the "industry".

They said, you're incredibly good at this.

You have a talent at teaching.

Don't let this go to waste.


The industry that I very much loathed. (largely due to my inaccurate thinking)

The industry that attracts the most amounts of haters and negative attention.

The industry that lives and thrives on hype and empty promises.


There's hope

However, I also know that there's a light in the industry.

I've helped multiple people I still personally keep in touch with, quit their jobs and live a laptop lifestyle.

I know how rewarding that is for them. I know how rewarding that is for me.

I know how big of an impact that is to these individuals AND their families.

I've seen it with my own eyes, right in-front of me.

And I know that this is really important work.


Perhaps this work is important enough for me to ignore my fears, operate from purpose and love, and contribute relentlessly despite having my name cursed by the desperate, the unaware, the know-it-alls.

Perhaps this work is important enough for me to ignore my stupid "excuses" and "preferences", and tell my old self to piss off because the choice to not contribute in the highest form of my ability is extremely selfish. I owe it to the world to publish the sh*t out of myself and share what I know to the world.

Perhaps this work is important enough for me to stretch far past my comfort zone, to face my fear head forward, and finally stand in the light as be seen as I am.



I'm back, and if you haven't already, you'll be hearing a lot of me.

The following article A New Chapter (Oh god…) was first seen on: Cason Bo Website

Here article A New Chapter (Oh god…) was originally published on Cason Bo - Feed
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